Our karate classes consist of a healthy balance of traditional karate techniques (kihons), forms (kata), and fighting (kumite). For those interested in improving their fighting techniques, and getting more opportunities to practice kumite, we offer specialized classes (KIIK).
Karate Tansei has been supporting an elite competitive team since 2016. The members of the elite team consist of karatekas from ages 7 and above who want to compete. These members are expected to go above and beyond normal training in order to achieve high ranking results.
Thanks to a special committee of dedicated parents and experienced karatekas who help organize activities throughout the year that help raise funds to defray competition costs.
In a given year, our elite members are expected to participate in most of the local tournaments in the surrounding area, and up to 2 long-distance tournaments, as well, some will participate in one international tournament. In 2018, our dojo was able to support 4 members to participate in the International Dream Festival Karate Championship in Tokyo, Japan. In 2020, we were able to support 6 members in a Belgium karate competition.
In addition, our dojo hosts several junior karate match (JKM) per year, available exclusively to our students, and 1 to 2 Canadian Open Junior Karate Matches per year open to all Shinkyokushin and Kyokushin karatekas. These JKM events give an opportunity to novice karatekas to gain experience, as well as our referees to maintain their skillset.
Our Junior Karate Matches are conducted several times a year and follows strict kyokushin rules. This is a great opportunity to introduce students to competition, as well as allow our experienced competitors to constantly improve their fighting skills. These events also give an opportunity to are referees to maintain their skills.
Our next JKMs are scheduled for May 12, 2022, and June 23, 2022.
We encourage our students to participate in local kyokushin based competitions, in and around the Montreal area.
Long-distance competitions consists of those that require a stay-over. For example, Quebec-City, New York, etc. We are constantly on the lookout for reputable kyokushin competitions that offer a unique experience for our students.
We are fortunate that our global organization has 101 affliated countries and many host competitions. With the help of our fund-raising committee who are dedicated to our elite team, we can participate around the world. In 2018, our dojo was able to support 4 karatekas to participate in the Dream Festival Karate Championship in Tokyo, Japan, where 20 other countries participated among the over 3000 participants. In 2020, we supported 6 karatekas in the Belgium Cup.
Several times a year there are special trainings for general karate as well as kumite specific. We are proud to cooperate very closely with West-Island Karate (Shihan John Kalaidopoulos) in this aspect during our inter-dojo trainings. Visit our Events page for upcoming seminars.
Our Elite team comprises of coaches, athletes, and volunteers that support the team. The athletes are selected based on their performance both at tournaments and at the dojo and evaluated once a year.
Here the list of members of our elite team for the current year (April 2022 - Aug 2022). Last updated on April 15, 2022.
Role | Prenom / First Name | Nom / Last Name | Depuis / Since | Resp |
President | Marisa | Leone | sept, 2016 | Admin / Coach |
Vice-President, Treasurer | Luciano | Paparella | sept, 2016 | Admin / Coach |
Secretary | Lien | Trihn | sept, 2018 | Admin/Statistics |
Coach/Athlete | Michael | Perrone | sept, 2016 | |
Coach | Gianmarco | Siino | sept, 2016 | |
Admin | Erik | Groeneveld | sept, 2018 | Statistics |
* Les athlètes de l'équipe compétitive d'élite devront accepter un ensemble de critères stricts avant de rejoindre l'équipe. Veuillez parler à un membre de notre comité exécutif pour plus d'informations.
* Athletes of the elite competitive team will need to agree to a strict set of criteria before joining the team. Please speak to a member of our executive committee for more information.
Les membres du comité exécutive de l'équipe compétitive de Karate-Tansei sont composés de parents dévoués et de karatékas expérimentés.
Les membres actuels du comité exécutif pour 1e avril 2022 à 31 août 2022 sont :
Karate-Tansei's competitive team executive committee members consists of dedicated parents and experienced karatekas.
The current executive committee members for April 1, 2022 to August 31, 2022 are:
Les membres bénévoles de l'équipe compétitive sont :
Volunteer members of the competitive team are:
Les arbitres qui ont suivi des cours de formation avec nous sont :
Referees that have taken training classes with us are:
Our dojo is affilated with Sports Physio and offers physio therapy to our students at a moderate price.